
Subscribe now to support the platform and our mission to publish great documentaries. We are ad-free and fund our platform through our generous subscribers. That’s how we stay independent and keep our editorial integrity whilst providing unique content. We publish real stories, well researched and beautifully presented- on and offline.


You choose how much to pay and you get full access for a full month.

  • 1 Month online access




You get access to our full site for a year and our current magazine including a handmade c-print.

  • 1 Year online access
  • Print Magazine
  • handmade C-Print

22 EUR


Access Code

You’ve already purchased a magazine? Enter your access code here.

  • 1 Year online access

Access Code




How does the FOG subscription work?

When you sign up you receive access to all our documentaries online, in addition you'll get a Magazine sent to you, which includes a handmade C-Print. Or you can buy a magazine at the bookstore and then log-in online with an access code.

How often do you publish new works online?

We'll publish about one new documentary a month online. We go for quality, not quantity.

How often do you publish new print issues?

At the moment we publish once a year. This will increase over time.


Which payment is accepted?

At the moment we offer payment via PayPal. If you don't have a Paypal account you can pay with a guest account and Credit Card.

Where can I enter my shipping address?

When you check out via Paypal we automatically get your shipping address transmitted. Make sure this is your correct home address!

What are the shipping costs?

Shipping costs are included.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we do. Please provide your full shipping address in latin alphabet characters only.

How long will the delivery take?

We ship orders once weekly from our distribution centre based in Berlin, Germany. Shipping within the EU usually takes 2-7 working days, to North America and Australia/NZ 7-15 working days and a bit longer to the rest of the world.


Is your magazine also available in bookstores?

Yes! You'll find a list of our stockists here.

Can I use the site with my smartphone or tablet?

Our website is fully responsive for you to peruse on the go.

Do you have a press or media kit?

Yes we do, right here. For further inquiries just get in touch!

Who is FOG?

You’ll find all informations here.

Can I contribute to the next issue or online?

Send us your work with a detailed project description. You’ll find all informations here.